Overcoming challenges, setbacks, and fear of failure with Ben Williams


How centering your values and empathy drives success.

We’ve all been overwhelmed by self doubt at times. You get caught in the trap of comparison, assume everyone else knows what they’re doing, and worry you’ll be “found out.” It’s a debilitating downward spiral.

To compensate, growth leaders often focus on what’s familiar: tooling, tactics, and quick wins - in an effort to have a big impact and prove your worth. It makes sense, your technical skills are what helped you get here. But at this next level, it’s your leadership skills that determine your success.

But what if you could find your footing (and your confidence) organically by grounding your decisions in your values, practicing empathy, and looking at things from a different perspective? I chatted with Ben Williams to get his take.

Ben's a growth veteran with lots of experience in the startup scene. He’s a passionate leader who wasn't afraid to talk about the real-life challenges, from career setbacks to finding work-life balance.

He shared insights from his journey and advice that you don’t hear every day:

  • Why he prefers organic convos to rigid interviews

  • The reframing trick that flips your mindset from fear to opportunity

  • Using authenticity, empathy, and consistency to give (& receive) feedback 

  • How realizing that you don’t need all the answers makes the job way more fun

  • The role caring deeply plays in fueling motivation and driving performance.

Watch below, or catch the show on AppleSpotifyGoogle, or YouTube.


In this episode, you’ll learn:

I’m joined by Ben Williams — former VP of Product Growth at Snyk, current founder and full-time advisor at PLGeek.

Ben shared why he gifted a book with a personalized message to a new PM, how he reframed negative feedback so it stopped making him feel sick, and how he had way more fun after he stopped putting pressure on himself to know every answer.

Things to Listen for:

[00:14] Introducing Ben Williams and his background

[04:10] Ben’s journey in growth and the bumps along the way

[09:40] How his experience in the space influences his interviewing methods

[12:01] His career “detour”

[16:03] On the fear of failure and the characteristics that contribute to one’s success

[25:14] Advice for people feeling uneasy in a new role

[29:54] On being a leader for people who are struggling with impostor syndrome or fear of failure

[34:34] On feedback

[44:32] How your values can influence your motivation and success

[45:57] On realizing that you don’t need to have all the answers to deserve success

[51:13] Connect with Ben


A huge thanks to the sponsors below👇

Presented by MadKudu. SaaS teams spend tons of time trying to identify accounts that are likely to purchase or upgrade based on their behavioral signals.

MadKudu’s Revenue Automation Intelligence platform helps revenue teams cut through the noise by predicting and prioritizing the right revenue generating actions.

And by Navattic. The old PLG playbook is already outdated. We're seeing forward-thinking SaaS businesses adopt interactive product demos as a core part of the modern product-led approach.

Navattic's no-code editor helps product-led SaaS companies create and build interactive product demos to increase website conversions and activate free trials.



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