Growth Essays
To help you deliver more value to your users, your company, and your career. Get articles like these in your inbox 👉

How to Create a Culture of Experimentation on Your Growth Team

The 6-Step User Onboarding Framework Used to Activate Hundreds of Thousands of Users

Head of Growth vs. Head of Marketing: 5 Differences (From Someone Who's Done Both)

2022 year in review
As we enter the final days of 2022, I found myself reflecting on all the progress I’ve made in my business - and as a person. I thought I’d take that reflection one step further, so in this blog post, I’ll be sharing my 2022 year in review.

Struggling with low new user retention?
In August, I advised a SaaS company struggling with low user retention. Most of their new users were churning in the first 6 mins.

The truth about being head of growth?
You'll probably feel like your CEO micromanages you. Even if you have a ton of experience. And especially with a first time CEO.

If I led growth at Navattic, here’s what I’d do…
I'm restarting my "build-up" series, where I share PLG ideas & experiment hypotheses for SaaS brands I admire. Today, I'm building up Navattic.

The “Value First” onboarding framework that’s helped activate hundreds of thousands of users
Here's the 6-step "value first" framework I've used to activate hundreds of thousands of new users.

The evolution of product-led growth: we're entering the "choose your own adventure" era
We’re seeing a new playbook emerge in product-led growth. It’s all about empowering users to choose their own adventure.

Why ungated product experiences are the future of PLG
Most SaaS brands want to make their products more accessible and usable. That’s what today’s buyers want.

A new PLG playbook: pre-built templates
If a SaaS tool has a blank canvas, the investment just to get started can feel overwhelming. Like opening a Google doc and thinking, “what should I write about?”

Pokers gonna poke
30-40% of new accounts poke around for a few mins. Then leave, and never come back.
The next phase of product-led growth
And it's all about leading with product value - not gating it behind signup forms.
The growth team ritual that changed everything
Every Friday we would order lunch, hop in a conference room, and watch 20 real people use the product for the first time.
The way to scale active users is with segmented onboarding flows
Not one product experience for everyone. Different flows for different users. That's what works best.
Want to improve your new user activation rates, but blocked from making product changes?
I talked to a client with this challenge yesterday. Here's the advice I shared.
A new product-led growth playbook
I'm seeing a new PLG playbook emerge and I think it's the future of how people will buy saas software.
How would your approach change?
"How would your approach change, if your goal was to DOUBLE our activation rate? A previous manager asked me this question ☝️
One of the biggest time sucks
One of the biggest time sucks is when someone from the c-suite asks you to "look into" why a certain KPI dipped.
Looking to hire someone who can own growth?
Hey recruiters, I see you. Starting 2022 looking to hire someone who can own growth: