Episode Library

Andrew Capland Andrew Capland

Tough Convos and Managing Up with Rosie Hoggmascall (former growth at Peanut, what3words)

In this episode, Product Growth Advisor Rosie Hoggmascall shares her experiences around someone taking credit for her work, struggling with being put on the spot, and having the tough conversation about feeling stuck at work. Listen in to hear her tried and true phrases you can employ to avoid freezing in anxiety-triggering conversations at work and to be reminded why soft skills are what hard workers really need.

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Andrew Capland Andrew Capland

Managing Politics in a High-Growth Software Company with Mario Araujo

Almost everyone eventually has to deal with office politics. And everyone hates it. So how does a head of growth approach them? You’ll need some chutzpah to speak up for sure. But you’ll also need the right emotional, interpersonal, and leadership skills to navigate the murky (sometimes shark infested) waters of office politics.

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Andrew Capland Andrew Capland

Crossing the chasm from growth IC to growth leader with Scott Tousley

Scott is the VP of Growth at Persefoni, and his wide-ranging growth experience includes time at Reforge, HubSpot, co-hosting the Growth TL;DR podcast with Kieran Flanagan, and working on the Signals product with Brian Balfour. In our convo, we talked at length about why growth roles tend to turn over so frequently, what makes a strong leader, and more.

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Andrew Capland Andrew Capland

Dealing with ambiguity with Shirin Bradfield

Shirin Bradfield is the Head of Growth and Self-Service at Optimal Workshop, a New Zealand design, research, and UX testing software company. She started as a Growth Marketing Manager at the company, eventually becoming a Growth Product Manager, before finally being promoted to her current role. Shirin shares the journey throughout her multiple transitions in Optimal Workshop and the challenges she faced during it.

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Andrew Capland Andrew Capland

Overcoming challenges, setbacks, and fear of failure with Ben Williams

I’m joined by Ben Williams — former VP of Product Growth at Snyk, current founder and full-time advisor at PLGeek. Ben shared why he gifted a book with a personalized message to a new PM, how he reframed negative feedback so it stopped making him feel sick, and how he had way more fun after he stopped putting pressure on himself to know every answer.

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Andrew Capland Andrew Capland

Navigating Company Growing Pains with Sam Richard

In this episode, Sam and I discuss nonlinear career paths, the bumps and bruises of working at early-stage companies, and the imposter syndrome that comes with it. Tune in to this episode for an honest and vulnerable conversation filled with valuable insights and advice on career paths and what it takes to be successful in growth!

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Andrew Capland Andrew Capland

Lessons from a former 2x head of growth turned solopreneur (my story)

In this first episode of my new podcast, I share my personal story (of how I got here). I talk about my journey into growth. The two worst performance reviews I've ever had. The time I had a panic attack mid-presentation. And, what I'd do different if I could start all over. It's an honest and vulnerable look at my journey. I hope you enjoy it!

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