Everything you need to successfully track and analyze your product-led business

A video course + customizable templates designed to help product-led teams learn the product-led model, define key metrics, set up actionable reporting infrastructure, & grow your business - in just 90 mins.

(100% refund if you’re not satisfied)


Most early-stage PLG companies have
no idea what to track - or how often

That’s usually because:

  1. Defining core metrics is hard when you don’t really get the PLG model

  2. There's a overwhelming amount of data available

  3. It's hard to get actionable insights when you’re not sure what “good” is

This course covers everything you need to know about setting up an effective product-led reporting infrastructure, from learning the basics of the product-led model and the key metrics you need to track, through benchmarks to help you interpret the numbers.

Don’t waste a bunch of time figuring this out yourself— get a clear framework that's already been tested across several product-led SaaS companies, so you know it works.

You'll save time and feel more confident in your approach!

Here’s what’s included 👇

Over 90 mins of video content focused on helping you track your product-led SaaS business + a customizable Google template to help you get started.

The course is down and dirty - no fancy edits or jargon. It’s filmed from my webcam with minimal slides and design. Just practical advice to save hours of your time (and sanity).


Designed for new practitioners and
early-stage B2B SaaS founders

Typically between 0 & $5 million ARR. I’ll help you cut through the noise and identify what to track, how often to track it, and how to simplify your approach to analytics. I’ll share my Google templates to turn the advice into practice and share tips for getting insights.


Here’s a sneek peek where we
review the PLG model👇


Full course outline


Defining your product-led metrics

Video 1: The two most common types of product-led models

Video 2: Setting up high-level dashboard views

Video 3: Defining your north start metric

Video 4: Application, benchmarks, and ID’ing opportunities


Creating drill-down views

Video 1: Tracking shopper pages

Video 2: Quality of your signups

Video 3: Activated accounts

Video 4: Product qualified leads

Video 5: Customer and revenue


Bonus content

Video 1: How often to look at the data

Video 2: Balancing qualitative & quantitative

Video 3: Staying focused (& determining what not to track)

Video 4: Handling one-off questions, and educating your c-suite


Hey there, I’m Andrew 👋

I’ve led growth teams at Wistia & Postscript and spent years figuring out what to track, and how often to track it.

In this course you’ll learn my simple & actionable approach to tracking a product-led business.


Frequently asked questions 👇

+ Who's this for?

This course is designed for anyone looking to improve and simplify their approach to tracking and analytics for PLG companies. The content skews towards new practitioners working at early-stage product-led B2B SaaS businesses. Typically between 0 & $5M ARR. People who are looking to go 0-1 and setup their reporting infractructure and improve how they're using data to track and grow the business. The content is geared towards people who are the first growth hire at their company and don't have an existing team to lean on for help. That includes Heads of Growth, Growth Marketers, and Growth Product Managers - typically working at early-stage (series A/B) startups.

+ Whats included?

Over 90 mins of video content outlining the product-led model, defining your high-level metrics, and walking you through the process of zooming in for actionable insights.

+ What will it help me do?

This couse will help you define your product-led metrics & setup an actionable reporting infractructure.

+ Will it teach me all the latest growth tips & tactics?

Nope! This course is focused on reporting and analysis.

+ Is there anything NOT included?

The only area of the funnel we don't spend much time is churn. I find that most growth teams are focused on driving adoption & engagement, but typically not focused a ton of churn. So I designed the course in the same way.

+ How's the production quality?

The course is super down and dirty. No fancy edits or jargon. It’s filmed from my webcam with minimal slides and design. Just practical advice. Like two friends having a zoom call.

+ Do you offer refunds?

Yup, absolutely. If you think it's not worth the cost, just send me a note and I'll refund your money.