Fix your user onboarding & stop losing users you didn’t even know you’re losing

You know how important onboarding is for product-led B2B SaaS companies. You just need to get new users to activate. To reach that "aha" moment so they come back for more and increases the chances they buy. But what you don’t know - is how to get there. How to design effective onboarding that activates and retains new users - without hiring expensive advisors or getting lost in a sea of blog articles.

Or, take a sneak peek 👀

(100% refund if you’re not satisfied)

30-40% of users sign up, poke around for a few mins, then leave, & never come back

You’ve probably tried some stuff already to save these users. Maybe you tested some pop-ups or product-tours already - hoping they would be a quick fix. Or, maybe you made some changes inside your product - but they haven’t moved the needle in the ways you hoped.

Your conversion rates are still low and you’re still losing a ton of user new users during the first few days. As a 2x head of growth and PLG advisor, I can help. This Value First framework has driven 40% activation rates and helped activate hundreds of thousands of new users.

Hey, I’m Andrew 👋

Former head of Growth at Wistia & Postscript. As a 2x head of growth, I spent years building onboarding flows that activated hundreds of thousands of new users.

My teams ran dozens of experiments, tried all the different pop-up & tour tools, and eventually built/rebuilt onboarding from the ground up.

We learned a ton along the way & turned those learnings into the value first framework. I’m excited to share it with you.

Designed for product-led SaaS businesses looking to transform their onboarding and improve their activation rates

That includes:

✅ Products with 500+ monthly signups ready to take onboarding to the next level.

✅ Products with 5000+ monthly signups who aren’t segmenting effectively.

✅ Products with 10,000+ monthly signups looking to level-up & fill-in gaps.

This program is not designed for:

❌ People who don't have permission to try lots of things & fail.

❌ People that don’t have the ability to make product changes.

This program has everything you need to drive 40% new user activation rates

  • Step-by-step training with 216 mins of self-guided content teaching the Value First framework.

  • Customizable worksheet to help you brainstorm, take notes, and outline changes as you view the self-guided content.

  • Done-for-you tracking & experimentation templates to make implementation faster & easier.

What is the Value First framework 🤔

  • 💎 Define value - on your users' terms

    Successful onboarding is all about delivering value to your users. When new users experience the value of your product, good things happen.

  • ⏳ Reduce the time-to-value for new users

    User have a certain amount of time and attention they will dedicate to your product. Waste it? They’ll churn and never come back.

  • 🤗 Guide user behavior with effective prompts

    Activate the two different types of product users when they get lost, distracted, or stuck along the way.

  • 🧑‍🍳 Personalize the experience with custom recipes

    Ditch the one-size fits all approach. Create different product experiences to help users achieve their specific goals.

  • 📓 Engage faster with ready made playbooks

    Solve for the biggest user pain points stopping users from starting. Lean on customizable templates and pre-made playbooks to help users go 0-1 faster.

  • 🏗️ Build momentum pre-signup

    Deliver value sooner, and to more people by letting your visitors start the onboarding process before asking them to fill out any forms.

Ready to take the next step?



  • This program is designed for B2B SaaS businesses looking to transform their onboarding experience and activation rates.

    That includes:

    • Products with at least 500 monthly signups and are ready to take their onboarding to the next level

    • Products with at least 5000 monthly signups and feel like they’re not segmenting effectively

    • Products with 10,000+ monthly signups looking to level-up

    • Products with 100,000 + signups looking to fill in any blind spots

    This program is not designed for:

    • People who don't have permission to try lots of things & fail

    • People that don’t have the ability to make product changes

    • Step-by-step training with 206 mins of self-guided content teaching the Value First framework

    • Customizable tracking & experimentation templates to make implementation faster & easier

    • Private onboarding review session with Andrew over Zoom

    • 1-year access to everything above

  • Teach you onboarding methodology and playbook used to drive 40% activation rates. Along with specific operating principles to effectively run your onboarding team.

  • Companies spend tons of money hiring expensive advisors and consultants to help fix their onboarding. I’m one of them. But this course contains everything you need to get my most important insights and actionable changes.

  • The self-guided program is filmed on my web-cam using Soapbox (a Wistia screen recording product). The filming is low fidelity, but the content is packed with everything you need to transform your onboarding experience and retain more users!

  • Yes, absolutely. If you think there isn’t value in this course - just let me know and I’ll issue a 100% refund.